The best Third Eye Chakra yoga poses are those that help us connect with our inner self and those that prepare us for the head stand, a Crown Chakra yoga pose.
Situated above the base of the nose, slightly above the eyebrows, the Third Eye Chakra is associated the element of light. We need light to see and our Third Eye is about seeing, about perception, and intuition. It is the chakra of dreams, visions, inspiration, imagination, and our inner guide - our inner light.
When you sixth chakra is open and flowing, your ability to transcend duality is born. You see everything as interconnected as part of a whole. There is no good or bad, black or white, right or wrong. Everything just "is". There is no judgment.
At this level you are able to perceive the Divine and to align yourself with it.
Sounds wonderful, doesn't it?
So, how do we get to this place? How do we balance or open our Third Eye Chakra?
Yoga is one answer. As with all the other chakras, there are many ways to open and balance chakras, but on this page I will show you couple poses that will help you open your third eye.
Thunderbolt Pose - Vajrasana

Varja means thunderbolt and it is the weapon of a god Indra, ruler of heaven. This sacred weapon is used to get rid of our most powerful enemy - the one within - our inner critic and our judgments that make us feel not good enough.
The power of this pose is observation. It is by observing thoughts and not engaging with them further that we can be released from the grip of these thoughts.
We know from quantum physics that observation impacts that which is being observed. When we simply observe in this pose, we are becoming whole again.
- Sit on your heels with your spine straight and your knees about hip with apart. Rest your palms on your thighs. You can place a towel underneath your buttocks if your knees feel uncomfortable.
- With your spine straight release all your weight down through your sit bones.
- Breathe in and out through your nose.
- Allow your spine to lengthen upwards and your shoulders release and widen.
- Allow your gaze to gently rest on the floor about 4 feet in front of you.
- Continue breathing and observe your thoughts. Watch them like clouds on a sunny day passing you by. Do not become engaged with the thoughts, just allow them to pass by.
With this pose, you are cultivating "witness" consciousness or being the "detached observer". You do not engage with your thoughts, you simply allow them to pass by as if you were watching clouds drift away on a sunny day.
The effects of cultivating this ability to observe your thoughts and not be engaged in the story, are amazing. You will find having more compassion for yourself, you will begin to see patterns of behavior that do not serve you and you will be able to gradually change these patterns. You will experience greater unity with others and the world around you. You will experience greater peace, inner knowing, and joy.
Downward Facing Dog - Adho Mukha Svanasana

This Third Eye Chakra yoga pose gently prepares you for headstands as you get used to the increased blood flow to your head. Concentrate on your third eye as you hold this position.
- Come down on the floor and kneel on all fours with your back flat.
- Walk your hands farther forward, your palms flat on the floor. Spread your fingers and establish firm contact with the floor.
- Exhale and lift your tailbone straightening your legs and keeping your feet flat on the floor. Lengthen your tailbone away from the pelvis. Keep lifting your sit bones towards the ceiling.
- Strengthen your knees, but make sure you do not lock them.
- Your hands and arms are straight, keep firm contact with the floor, pressing your palms into the mat.
Downward facing dog is one of the poses in the Sun Salutation sequence. It is a wonderful pose to calm the mind and energize the whole body. You can stay in this pose for 1-3 minutes.
More third eye chakra yoga poses
If you want to learn more yoga poses to balance the third eye chakra or for an in-depth study of chakra yoga poses, I recommend the following book by Anodea Judith:
This is an excellent boo k for the experienced yogi as well as the beginner. Anodea Judith teaches hatha yoga poses for balancing and aligning the seven sacred centers - the seven chakras.
There are specific poses for each of the seven chakras to accomplish a series of tasks: enter, align, activate, soften, attune, illuminate, awaken.
The teachings and guidance in this book will help you to access your subtle body with the practice of yoga.

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Third Eye Chakra
The Brow Chakra or Third Eye is the 6th chakra also known as Ajna chakra. The gift of this chakra is clear seeing. It is seeing beyond the physical form, beyond the frequencies of material world, seeing the subtle energies and higher vibrations. The energy of Ajna chakra allows us to access our inner guidance.
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