Welcome to this sacred place of sharing of our spiritual stories.
We connect through stories. Through sharing of our experiences, we discover our common humanity. Our fears, desires, dreams, and hopes. We begin to see the threads that weave through all of our lives. We are all interconnected.
So, this is a place for us to share our stories, our experiences, and the wisdom we have gained throughout.
If you would like to share your story, you can do so, through the form bellow.
Thank you to all who courageously share their stories and their journeys!
Sharing Stories, Sharing Wisdom
Do you have a spiritual story? Something that has changed your life? Something that transformed you or started you on your spiritual journey?

Meaning of Aura Colors
Learning to see Auras is easy, understanding and interpreting what you see is a bit more complex. Learning what different colors of Human Aura mean is a first step in this understanding.

Chakra Colors in Depth
Explore the deeper meaning of color and its connection with your seven chakras. Learn about the science of color, how we see colors and delve into color psychology. Awaken your sense of self and re-connect with your soul.

Reiki Self-Healing
All healing is self-healing. Tapping into the universal energy, we can use Reiki to heal our physical, emotional, and spiritual bodies. A gentle and safe method for holistic self-care, anyone can use Reiki energy for self-healing.

Third Eye Chakra
The Brow Chakra or Third Eye is the 6th chakra also known as Ajna chakra. The gift of this chakra is clear seeing. It is seeing beyond the physical form, beyond the frequencies of material world, seeing the subtle energies and higher vibrations. The energy of Ajna chakra allows us to access our inner guidance.
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