Explore the first chakra in depth. Learn how to balance and harness the power of this energy center.
The root chakra is the first chakra and is located at the base of the spine.
It is the root of your being and establishes the deepest connections with your physical body, your environment and with the Earth.
Muladhara is the most instinctual of all chakras - it is your survival center. Your fight and flight response is initiated from this chakra. This is your primal, animal nature.
The energy of Muladhara allows us to harness courage, resourcefulness and the will to live during trying times. It connects us with spiritual energies of our ancestors, their challenges and their triumphs.
Since base chakra carries our ancestral memories, basically everyone experiences challenges or blockages within muladhara.
War, famine, natural disasters, and any events that threaten our basic survival, are all recorded within energies of the first chakra.
These memories are imprinted in the subtle body and are passed down from generation to generation creating unconscious generational patterns.
It is our work to take responsibility for our own lives and bring to light that which is unconscious.
All of the seven chakras are important and interconnected with each other. Usually, balancing one chakra will create change in another chakra.
It is important though to balance the root chakra first, before we proceed to others, or we will lack the stability and rootedness necessary for true transformation and personal growth.
We cannot grow and change unless we feel safe and secure.
First Chakra at a glance:
Sanskrit name: Muladhara - root support
Element: Earth
Color: Red
Shape: Square
Petals of the lotus: Four
Seed sound: LANG
Vowel sound: O
Rights: To have
Endocrine gland: Adrenal cortex
Physical association:The skeletal structure, teeth, large intestine, kidneys, blood
Psychological function: Survival and self preservation
Identity: Physical identity
Developmental stage: Womb to 12 months
Challenge: Fear
Plane: Physical plane
Planets: Saturn, Earth
Deity: Brahma, Dakini, Ganesha
Mythological Animal White elephant with seven trunks
Sense organ: Nose
Predominant sense: Smell
Incense: Cedar
Herb: Sage
Sephira: Malkuth
Tarot suite: Pentacles
Root Chakra Affirmations
Affirmations are a great way to begin to heal negative programming that can be embeded in our subtle body.
- I feel deeply rooted
- I am connected to my body
- I feel safe and secure
- Just like a tree or a star, I have a right to be here
- I stand for my values, for truth, and for justice
- I have what I need
- I am grounded, stable, and standing on my own two feet
- I nurture my body with healthy food, clean water, exercise, relaxation, and connection with nature
- I am open to possibilities
- I am grateful for all the challenges that helped me to grow and transform
- I trust in the goodness of life
- I make choice that are healthy and good for me
- I trust myself
- I love life
Explore First Chakra in Depth through Color
Here we delve into deeper topics of psychology and wellbeing by studying the energy and meaning of root chakra color.
Balance Your First Chakra with Yoga Poses
Learn about yoga poses to balance your first chakra. Yoga is an exercise for your body, mind, emotions, and spirit. By practicing yoga, you can connect with the deeper parts of yourself, parts that may not be accessible to you during your daily life. You can also release excess root chakra energy and find more stability and grounding.
Top 10 First Chakra Essential Oils
Healing occurs on many levels: physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual. Essential oils embody the properties of the plants they are derived from and work on all four levels of healing. Learn about the properties of essential oils commonly used for first chakra balancing.

Meaning of Aura Colors
Learning to see Auras is easy, understanding and interpreting what you see is a bit more complex. Learning what different colors of Human Aura mean is a first step in this understanding.

Chakra Colors in Depth
Explore the deeper meaning of color and its connection with your seven chakras. Learn about the science of color, how we see colors and delve into color psychology. Awaken your sense of self and re-connect with your soul.

Reiki Self-Healing
All healing is self-healing. Tapping into the universal energy, we can use Reiki to heal our physical, emotional, and spiritual bodies. A gentle and safe method for holistic self-care, anyone can use Reiki energy for self-healing.

Third Eye Chakra
The Brow Chakra or Third Eye is the 6th chakra also known as Ajna chakra. The gift of this chakra is clear seeing. It is seeing beyond the physical form, beyond the frequencies of material world, seeing the subtle energies and higher vibrations. The energy of Ajna chakra allows us to access our inner guidance.
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