Explore the second chakra in depth. Learn more about this seat of passion and re-connect with your creative energies.
The Sacral Chakra is your passion and pleasure centre and it is located in the pelvic area. While the Root Chakra is satisfied with survival, the 2nd chakra seeks pleasure and enjoyment.
The gift of this chakra is experiencing our lives through feelings and sensations.
The second chakra is the centre of feeling, emotion, pleasure, sensuality, intimacy, and connection.
The energy of this chakra allows you to let go, to move, and to feel change and transformation occurring within your body. It allows you to experience this moment as it is, in its own fullness.
The main challenge for the second chakra is the conditioning of our society. We live in a society where feelings are not valued, where passion, and emotional reactions are being frowned upon. We are being taught not to "loose control". And we get disconnected from our bodies, our feelings.
As if this was not enough, we also experience the wounds of our collective cultural struggles over many sexual issues of our society. On one hand sexuality is magnified and glorified, and on the other hand it is rejected. This results in either blocked or excessive second chakra issues.
No wonder we have so many issues with our passion centre, the wellspring of feelings, enjoyment, and sensuality.
Do you love your body? Do you enjoy feeling your body? When was the last time you walked barefoot on the grass and felt the sensation of ground underneath your feet?
The sacral chakra is also your centre of creativity.
Passion is the fuel of creative energy. Everything you create, a poem, a drawing, or a website, originates from the energy of second chakra. It is also where your fertility originates. After all, conceiving a child is a creative process.
A person with an open Svadhisthana Chakra is passionate, present in her body, sensual, creative, and connected to her feeling.
Sacral Chakra at a glance:
Sanskrit name: Svadhisthana
Element: Water
Color: Orange
Shape: Circle with crescent
Petals of the lotus: Six
Seed sound: VANG
Vowel sound: Oo
Rights: To feel, to want
Endocrine gland: Ovaries, testicles
Physical association: Womb, genitals, kidney, bladder
Psychological function: Movement and connection
Identity: Emotional
Developmental stage: 6 months - 2 years
Challenge: Guilt
Plane: Astral plane
Planets: Mercury, Jupiter, Moon
Deity: Indra, Rakini, Vishnu
Mythological Animal:
Incense: Gardenia, damiana
Herb: Fennel, corriander
Sephira: Yesod
Tarot Suit: Cups
Sacral Chakra Affirmations
- I love and enjoy my body.
- I have healthy boundaries.
- I am open to experiencing the present moment through my senses.
- I am passionate.
- I feel pleasure and abundance with every breath I take.
- I nourish my body with healthy food and clean water.
- I know how to take care of my needs.
- I value and respect my body.
- I am open to touch and closeness.
- I allow myself to experience pleasure.
- My sexuality is sacred.
- Emotions are the language of my soul.
- I take good care of my physical body.
- I am at peace.
Explore Second Chakra in Depth through Color
Here we delve into deeper topics of psychology and wellbeing by studying the energy and meaning of sacral chakra color.
Balance Your Second Chakra with Yoga Poses
The best sacral chakra yoga poses are those that work with movement in the hips and lower abdomen. Some poses are aimed at opening and some are aimed at moving energy through this area. Learn yoga poses to open the flow of creativity in your life, to feel more sensual and to experience your life with more passion.
Invite Grace into your Life with Sacral Chakra Sun Salutation
Sacral chakra - Sun Salutation will encourage graceful, flowing movements. Movements that keep us fluid and flexible in body, mind, and spirit. Learn the sequence of 12 poses to balance your second chakra.
Top 10 Second Chakra Essential Oils
Essential oils have been used throughout history for healing on all levels of our being. Learn about healing properties of 8 commonly used second chakra essential oils.

Meaning of Aura Colors
Learning to see Auras is easy, understanding and interpreting what you see is a bit more complex. Learning what different colors of Human Aura mean is a first step in this understanding.

Chakra Colors in Depth
Explore the deeper meaning of color and its connection with your seven chakras. Learn about the science of color, how we see colors and delve into color psychology. Awaken your sense of self and re-connect with your soul.

Reiki Self-Healing
All healing is self-healing. Tapping into the universal energy, we can use Reiki to heal our physical, emotional, and spiritual bodies. A gentle and safe method for holistic self-care, anyone can use Reiki energy for self-healing.

Third Eye Chakra
The Brow Chakra or Third Eye is the 6th chakra also known as Ajna chakra. The gift of this chakra is clear seeing. It is seeing beyond the physical form, beyond the frequencies of material world, seeing the subtle energies and higher vibrations. The energy of Ajna chakra allows us to access our inner guidance.
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